
Welcome to Simply Calculator - your go-to tool for quick and efficient calculations! Whether you're working on everyday math problems or complex calculations, our simple calculator has got you covered. With basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, percentage, and even square root, you can crunch numbers effortlessly. Below, you'll find answers to some frequently asked questions to help you make the most out of our user-friendly calculator.

  • How do I perform basic operations like addition and subtraction?
  • To add, use the "+" symbol, and for subtraction, use the "-" symbol. For example, to calculate 5 + 3, simply enter "5 + 3" and hit the "=" button.
  • How can I multiply and divide numbers?
  • For multiplication, use the "*" symbol, and for division, use the "/" symbol. For instance, to multiply 4 by 6, enter "4 * 6" and press "=".
  • Can I calculate percentages with this calculator?
  • To calculate a percentage, use the "%" symbol. For example, to find 20% of 50, enter "50 % 20" and hit "=".
  • How do I find the square root of a number?
  • To find the square root, use the "sqrt" function. For instance, to find the square root of 9, enter "sqrt 9" and press "=".
  • Can I combine multiple operations in a single calculation?
  • Just input the desired expression with the appropriate operators. For example, to calculate "3 + 5 * 2, enter "3 + 5 * 2" and hit "=".
  • Is there a way to clear the calculator's display?
  • Use the "C" button to clear the current calculation or start fresh, respectively.
  • What should I do if I make a mistake in my calculation?
  • You can use the delete key to correct any errors in your input before pressing "=" to get the result.
  • Can I use decimal numbers in my calculations?
  • Enter decimal numbers as you normally would, using the "." as the decimal separator.